Tuesday, October 21, 2014

"Mushrooms" by Sylvia Plath Rehearsal Video

I didn't really warm up before rehearsing my poem, since we had class that morning, but I can see a definite shift just from being out of class for a few hours. I don't think my voice sounded as free as it does when I am in class and fully warmed up, and at the end of some sentences, I could hear some vocal fry creeping in. I find it a lot easier to connect to the piece when there is a give and take of energy with other people in the room, like when we present our poems in class. In this case, I was speaking to a wall and definitely didn't feel as present as I have before. Like we've talked about in class, I think I can continue to slow down the beginning of the poem and build the energy and pace as it goes. There are a few times in this video where I notice I kind of rushed into one line from another. Gesturing naturally isn't normally an issue for me, but I think because I wasn't as present as I have been, I was more aware of my movements and they weren't as natural as normal. Finally, I think I broke the moment at the end of the poem too soon and should've held it longer for a stronger conclusion.

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